An innovative and efficient platform

A real solution to improve your quality of life

Health benefits

Factors that impact your quality of life

There are many factors that contribute to our physical and mental health, many of which substantially influence our quality of life and are the cause of illness every day.  Whether linked to our genetics, such as is the case with certain chronic illnesses, or lifestyle habits (diet, physical exercise, smoking, work, etc.), or our childhood (education, social environment), their effects decisively influence our quality of life.


Everyone has their share of personal factors that impact their health. It starts in childhood with the genetic baggage left to us by our parents or grandparents, then comes education, one’s social environment and possibly discrimination. In adulthood, added to this list are your lifestyle habits, such as diet, smoking, regular alcohol consumption, level of physical activity, and the degree to which you may have neglected your health.


Professional factors

But it’s not just personal factors that will highly influence your health. In fact, your professional environment can be the source of many adverse effects and the cause of many illnesses.

The impact on your health

If enough of these unfavourable factors start to add up, they will eventually have an impact on your physical or mental health. You could develop a “transient” illness such as depression or physical injury, or a chronic illness, such as hypertension, diabetes, lung disease, or an even more serious infliction that brings the body to a standstill, such as cardiac arrest, pulmonary embolism, or stroke.

How to improve my quality of life

Fortunately, its never too late to act upon many of these factors. Taking care of your body and mind can only be good for you. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, such as following a wholesome diet, exercising regularly, undergoing regular complete checkups, and getting enough sleep every night, you are in a much stronger position to face and resist any challenges you might encounter in the future. Healthy aging is the greatest gift you can give yourself.


An innovative and efficient platform

With our virtual follow-up platform and the expertise of our specialists, you will benefit from protocols that will address chronic illness and postoperative care as well as comprehensive coaching to keep you healthy.

Our distinctive virtual follow-up services combine insightful use of an effective tracking technology that Is certified and secure, with the goal of helping you manage your health problems for a better quality of life.