An innovative service

Complete Your Group Insurance Offering With The Expertise Of Our Virtual Health Follow-up Platform

For healthy employees

A platform adapted to the needs of your clients

For many companies, a group insurance program that enables employees to take good care of their health, is one of the key benefits that they promote. However, it is not always easy for employees to make an appointment with health professionals. By offering our virtual follow-up services to your clients, their employees will have easier and more efficient access to a multitude of treatments to improve their quality of life.

Through a secure and certified platform, you can offer your clients an innovative and differentiating service to monitor many chronic illnesses and to provide posthospitalization care.

Advantage #1

Reduced absenteeism

Thanks to the many tools on hand at Katera, coupled with the expertise of our healthcare specialists, your clients employees will not only benefit from a regular follow-up on their chronic illness, but will also obtain valuable coaching. This will help them prevent illness and adopt healthy habits, improving their quality of life, and reducing absenteeism.

Advantage #2

Reduced insurance costs

With effective prevention, regular health monitoring and wholesome lifestyle habits, your employees will be healthier and more fit. Consequently, it should be expected that they will require fewer services provided by their group insurance, resulting in the submission of fewer reimbursement claims.  This could provide you leverage when renegotiating rates with your group insurance provider.

Advantage #3

Real added value

Our distinctive virtual follow-up services combine insightful use of an effective tracking technology, qualified by Canada Health Infoway, with the professional support of our health specialists. Their goal is to help employees better manage their health problems, improve their lifestyle habits and their general state of health.