Healthy living

A Complete Virtual Follow-Up Service Adapted to Your Needs

For a better quality of life

An innovative platform to track your health around the clock

Do you wish to have a caring health professional follow your chronic illness or simply check in on your posthospital care once you get home? Katera is here for you! Thanks to our virtual follow-up service and our health specialists, we are at your side to establish a follow-up protocol and guide you as best as possible to quickly regain a better quality of life.

Through a secure and certified platform, you can be coached by one of our thoughtful experts who care about your health. They will be able to answer any questions pertaining to a wide variety of chronic illnesses and posthospital care.

Advantage #1

Decrease in rehospitalizations

Numerous scientific studies have proven that most cases of rehospitalization could have been prevented with better posthospitalization management. Thanks to the resources and expertise of Katera’s health specialists, you will be coached and supported on an ongoing basis regarding the many aspects of your posthospital care, such as managing the transition between hospital and home, as well as changes to your lifestyle that will hasten your recovery.

Advantage #2

Better quality of life

Taking care of your body and mind can only be good for you. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, such as following a wholesome diet, exercising regularly, undergoing regular complete checkups, and getting enough sleep every night, you are in a much stronger position to face and resist any challenges you might encounter in the future. Healthy aging is the greatest gift you can give yourself.

Advantage #3

Proven results

Results that emerge from the various studies that we have conducted are very positive. They show that regular health monitoring results in significant health benefits, thanks to the coaching provided by our experts and the precise protocols that they follow, for chronic illnesses and postoperative care.